Libra Syndrome

October 2021

Copyright © by Judith, 2021

Libra, represents the seventh stage on the twelve-fold human life cycle. The infant born (Aries), feeds (Taurus), becomes now the babbling tot, (Gemini), next, attains awareness of its place in the tribe (Cancer), and now basks in the glory of adolescence (Leo). Come Virgo, we perfect the body, sharpen our skills, serve, discern, and labor hard to maintain the physical world.

Half way through the zodiac we take pause. Remember how each sign is wholly different in nature than the sign preceding it?

Libra is indeed the great pause point of the zodiacal cycle. Here, the swing of the pendulum, begun at Aries, reaches half way on the circle at 180 degrees, and stops, pauses, looking back at the starting point (Aries). All Libra lessons and character traits are related to pausing, considering, observing. Libra is thus described by some writers as “lazy” sign.

Libra is the great celestial rest stop of the zodiacal cycle. Every cycle has a pause point between two beats. One might envision Libra as the cyclic pause point between two heart beats, or two breaths. Perhaps it “rules” those spaces! Curiously, our culture has few terms to describe this pause. I tried googling “medical term for the space between two breaths”, in all manner of variants. I couldn’t find it!

Element and Mode: Libra is an Air sign of the Cardinal quadruplicity (mode).

Ruling Planet: Venus. This warm, moist, relaxing planet influences the veins (with Aquarius), ovaries (with Libra), copper, and, is both anodyne and alkaline.

Exalted Planet: Saturn: Saturn does well in this sign because “the law of God”, or karma, works best in the sign of justice. Hence, the scales are the traditional symbol of Libra, also representing the function of the Libra-ruled kidneys (weighing and balancing water, electrolytes, etc.)

The Deficient Planet (Detriment): Mars.

Mars exemplifies action on behalf of self, towards a goal or objective. Libra works in partnership, and is ever focused on “the other”. Mars is fight, immediacy, action. Conversely, Libra governs dispassion, diplomacy, non-action, delayed judgement and response.

We can now understand why Libra changes Mars’s natural impulse, but also tempers him. Sometimes this is helpful, sometimes not. For instance, Mars in Libra can cause excessive dumping of sodium, or water, by overstimulating the Libra-ruled kidneys. However, because Mars is our prime excreter of the planetary pantheon his natural diuretic powers may weaken, resulting in poorly filtered blood, toxemia, over acidity and acne.

Weak: Sun (detriment): The ego, will power, purpose and self-consciousness “fall” in the sign of partnership and marriage. The Vital force can lack sustain in some Libra cases, but not invariably so. If the Sun is well placed, and simultaneously well supported by Venus, Mars and Jupiter, the Vital Force will be quite high!


Body Zone 7 (Libra) is a general box that overlays the waist, the dividing point between above and below. When one observes maladies or accidents in Zone 7, Libra is so often emphasized. Note: Neural origins and ganglia that innervate the kidneys, but are situated outside of the Libra zone, are not “ruled” by Libra. They are instead ruled by the zone of their residential origin point.

Libra rules: kidneys; ovaries (with Venus, Moon, Scorpio), the waist, filtration of blood, distillation urine, ureters (with influence from Gemini and Scorpio). Note: urine is governed by Scorpio. Lower back, lumbar region, co-rules buttocks with Scorpio and Sagittarius. Cornell opines that Libra governs the “rump” and gives the sides of hips are Sagittarius. Not all writers agree, because the buttocks are firmly within the Scorpio and Sagittarius region (shared), and are largely fat and muscle (Sagittarius), and shield the anus (Scorpio).

Balance (with Taurus), poise. Libra plays a role in all balances: hormonal, electrolyte, sodium-potassium, blood pressure, and mental. This last is so essential that we devote a section of this article to mental balance.

The Balance Point of the Zodiac: Half way: Libra stands half way through the circle-cycle of the year, begun at opposite sign, Aries. Libra, and the 7th house, symbolize the return karma generated from action performed at “first cause”, Aries. Aries throws the ball against the wall, and in Libra, it bounces back! Here again, we see the initial swing of the pendulum pausing before return to home base. Libra symbolizes half way between day and night; half way between Spring-Summer and Fall-Winter; half way between day and night.

Libra’s symbol is very close to our symbol for equal “=“. Libra stands half way between youth and age. The upper and lower body are divided at the Libra-governed waist. Curiously, one so often notes a considerable disparity between the weight of the upper and lower bodies in Libra females. Libra represents the balance of body and mind, spirit and body. Libra symbolizes the neutralization of positive and negative charges, and the opposition or combining of male and female gender (more on all these later).


Distillation of the Urine

Libra mainly governs the filtering of the bloodstream and the distillation of urine. This process returns water, vitamins, electrolytes, hormones to the blood stream, while expressing water, urea and excess electrolytes and wastes.

How does this filtration process differ from Virgo’s intestinal discernment, or Scorpio’s waste excretion? Every aspect of the distillation of urine involves weighing, balancing, decision, and return (of constituents to the system), and select excretion. Do we have too much water in the blood stream, or too little? Excess of deficient salt? Is the blood pressure too high or low? Decision is made according to the volume of these constituents already exists in the blood. Libra, the scales, symbolized more aptly as an “=“ sign, carries out this selective balancing act. Secondly, the Libra governed kidneys decide what and how much to reabsorb of salt, water, and various other constituents. The reabsorption is for later use. Conversely, our Virgo ruled intestines absorb select nutrients and shuffle the remaining effluvia down the intestinal track, colon, and rectum for final exit.

Libra governs distillation but does not govern either urine itself, or the process of urination. These are ruled by the following sign Scorpio. Urine is expressed through the ureters, held in bladder, awaiting the first discreet opportunity for release. Ureters appear to share their rulership between Libra and Scorpio, with evidence that Gemini plays a part, just because Gemini rules tubes. Two case horoscopes of sufferers of serious ureter maladies bears this out, although more studies are needed.

Kidney and bladder cases almost invariably have an emphasis in both Libra and Scorpio. These two signs are closely aligned in the urinary process.

Hormonal Balancing

Libra’s role in balancing hormones is certainly underrated and little understood. This needs more work. The kidneys, and the adrenals atop them, produce several significant hormones. The kidneys are also receiving signals from the pituitary gland. I can only briefly address this complexity.

Maintaining pH Balance

The kidneys maintain the balance the acid-base of the blood in two primary ways. Kidney cells reabsorb bicarbonate HCO3- from the urine back into the bloodstream, and they secrete hydrogen H+ ions into the outgoing urine. This adjustment balances the blood’s pH.

The Adrenal Axis:

The adrenals perch atop the kidneys, one per each. These glands secrete many different hormones, and are largely ruled by fighting Mars, and the Libra-Aries axis. Their associated degree is 0˚ Aries-Libra (the two equinoctial points), though I’ve noticed the critical 26th degree to be active, and the entire two signs, plus Mars, influence these essential glands. There is a close relationship by square to the rulers of the pituitary gland, whose locus is 0-5˚ Cancer-Capricorn, with influence throughout those signs.

Main hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex include:

Cortisol, aldosterone, DHEA and Androgenic Steroids

Adrenaline and Noradrenalin

Aldosterone balances sodium and potassium in your blood. Too much of this hormone causes a loss of potassium and a retention of sodium. This, in turn, influences how much water is reabsorbed from the blood stream. This process attempts to maintain homeostasis of the blood’s pH level.

Cortisol and adrenalin serve many functions. The “fight or flight” hormone Adrenalin is a very Mars-Aries substance, and amongst other actions, increases the kidney’s production of urine.

Mineralcortoids are mediated by messages triggered by the kidneys. The hypothalamus produces corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), thus stimulating the pituitary gland to adrenal-corticotrophic hormone (ACTH). This hormone stimulates the production of cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone made by the adrenal glands that is important for regulating glucose, protein, and lipid metabolism, suppressing the immune system's response, and helping to maintain blood pressure.

Blood Circulation, Blood Pressure (Air Triplicity)

What is Libra’s hitherto unwritten role in the blood’s circulation and pressure? We know that Aquarius and Venus govern the venous circulation, and Sagittarius, and Jupiter govern the arterial circulation. Gemini and Mercury influence the capillaries. Libra is an air sign, (as are Gemini and Aquarius), and must have some oxygenating function. What part does Libra play in this circulatory scheme?

Most obviously, Libra’s salt-potassium balancing function helps monitor, maintain, and raise/lower the blood pressure! Certainly this is a significant role in the circulation.

New studies are revealing that the hormone erythropoieten, created in the Libra-ruled kidneys (with a small amount in the Liver), influences blood pressure.

Oxygenation Libra’s role in the Air Triplicity

We know that oxygen intake occurs at inspiration within the alveoli of the bronchial tree, and within the tissues of the lung (Gemini). Next, the “oxygenation of the blood” is governed by Aquarius. It is my belief that it is really the oxygen-carbon exchange within the cells that Aquarius controls. Factually, Aquarians typically suffer sub oxygenation (too much carbon?) However, our discussion here is regarding Libra, and it influence upon this process of oxygen uptake.

Blood Pressure Maintenance

A little web search reveals that the kidney (Libra) can indirectly report on blood volume as a tissue oxygen signal. It has been proposed that the kidneys can detect small changes in tissue oxygen tension “for erythropoiten production at the crimeter, a functional unit of marginal oxygen tension within the kidneys.” This hormone calls the bone marrow to produce more oxygen carrying red blood cells. These cells carry oxygen from the lungs (Gemini) to the rest of the body. Note: Here we have the Libra-Cancer square connection. Kidneys (Libra), bone marrow, (Cancer).

We can postulate that Libra has a great deal to do with the maintenance of blood pressure homeostasis. Sagittarius (arteries), Aquarius (veins) and Leo (heart, aorta) are also strongly involved.

Comparing the Libra and Scorpio Symbols

Libra’s symbol accurately shows, in part, the multi-faceted balancing function of the kidneys (hormonal, electrolyte, water, blood pressure).

Scorpio’s symbol aptly describes the process of urination. This is worth further research! Scorpio may play a role in some part of the distillation process - the removal. Scorpio is: a) the zodiac’s master chemist; b) is implicated equally with Libra in all manner of urinary and bladder complaints; c) Scorpio’s glyph resembles a distillation process, ureters, and exit. Certainly, Libra and Scorpio are closely joined function in the urinary process.

Air Sign Glyphs

There is an obvious similarity in the three glyphs that humans have created to signify the three zodiacal Air signs. All three are composed of two adjacent lines (no animals are involved, as is true for all the other zodiac signs, excepting Virgo (whose planet ruler Mercury co-rules an air sign.)

What could this mean? One can only extrapolate a guess from the fact that air signs collectively govern neural transmission, oxygenation, and the venous circulation. In old time, before the nervous system was known to exist, Air signs were thought to rule “the blood”. That assignment requires a revisitation because the blood is approximately 80% water! However, the circulation of the blood is definitely influenced by air signs (see next section). Obviously, circulation constitutes a vital function of the blood!

Could the two adjacent lines in the glyphs for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius represent the arterial and venous system running alongside each other, the way they do? Or, could they represent the bi-laterality of the body? (Gemini rules the hands, and individual coordination.) Or, something else? Do these glyphs suggest the dual process of neural conduction? Signals running from the body to the CNS and brain, and conversely, from the brain and CNS outward to the body? The airy power to observe the self?

Neural Conduction: Air signs as a team have not been well assessed as to their role in neural conduction. This below is my personal view, open to considerations.

Gemini and Mercury govern the peripheral afferent nerves - their receiving of incoming data, and also, the branching of dendrites, and the creation of new synaptic networks.

Aquarius and Uranus certainly govern electricity and sodium, both essential to neural transmission. Aquarius is the established ruler of the homeopath’s Nat Mur (sodium), so essential in the process of signal conduction through the neural network. Neurons carry messages in the form of electrical signals, known as nerve impulses. The neurons are excited in a number of ways (light, touch, sound), but are especially activated through chemicals released by other neurons.

So now we have a nerve “wire” (Gemini), conducting electrical signals via sodium ions (Aquarius). However, we need a chemical “talent agent” to open the door for the signal to jump between neurons!

Nerve impulses are electrical charges that rush along a neural membrane. Sodium ions flow in, precipitating the “action potential”, and then, potassium ions flow out to reset the “resting potential”. If sodium is Aquarian, is potassium Libran? (Nauman and Jansky assign potassium to the Moon, offering us no sign). After all, Libra is the scales, and the pause point in any pendulum’s swing. Is Libra related to the Neural resting potential? But… we have another step in this neurotransmission cycle that can be attributed to this sign.

Libra’s role in neurotransmission? In vocational astrology, Libra governs all agents who work to introduce and connect two entities desiring connection. For instance, Libra rules matchmakers! (I fondly recall a beloved native of Libra, Barbara Walters, a world renowned interviewer). Could Libra govern those chemical messengers that open a neuron’s doors to receive electrical messages?

For example: Generated signals from a pricked finger swiftly arrive at the brain by means of generated electrical signals - swiftly traveling up the chain of neurons. With each neuron encountered, the message “ouch” is introduced to the next neuron, all heading towards their brainy destination. Enter neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers required by the molecules of the nervous system to transmit messages between neurons, and from neurons to muscles. Neurotransmitters can be amino acids, neuropeptides or small amine molecules.

Summarized below, is a possible way to view the collective function of air signs in neurotransmission. I’m not yet completely satisfied with Libra’s role in this picture.

In previous classes we have seen how the ANS and CNS are largely influenced by the “mutable cross” of Gemini (peripheral afferent), Virgo (sympathetic), Sagittarius (CNS, motor), and Pisces (parasympathetic), with input on the adrenal axis of the parasympathetic from Aries. All of this is new, and necessitates a great deal more work.

Gemini: the nerves, dendrites, network creation

Libra: neurotransmitters, potassium, neural resting potential

Aquarius: electricity, sodium, the flow of electricity through the body

Mental Balance/Imbalance

This class is about physical implications of the twelve Sun Signs. However, Libra’s role in mental balance cannot be overestimated. Situated at “pause” on the yearly swing of the sun’s cycle, Libra emphasizes observation and objectivity over action. However, mental, emotional and hormonal imbalances are common to this sign’s natives.

Being the quintessential sign of balance, Libras are purported to be calm, reasonable, and just. However, balance can all too easily flip to imbalance. All we need is this or that hormone to run amok. Any failure in balancing out just the right amount of hormones, sugar or electrolytes can have spectacular mental-emotional and behavioral changes. Many normally tranquil Libras are indeed prone to surprise others with an “out of the sheer blue” tantrum, or irrational argument, (typically denied later). This appears to be some sort a balancing mechanism with their opposite sign, the feisty Aries.

Another of Libra’s more annoying habits is the the tendency to compulsively present opposite opinions. You say green, they must say red. Or, failing to side with you, just when you expect this. After all, they must be just. As I wrote this, a small, Libran looking boy trotted up to me inquiring of why I was carrying an umbrella. “It’s going to rain”, said I. “No it’s not!” he shot back. “Yes, look at the sky”, said I, pointing upward to the heavy, dark, impending clouds. “No it’s not going to rain!” he retorted. The conversation continued along this vein. Upon departing I regretted not asking him his birthday!

Mental balance is ever important to natives of this sign. Balance, grace and poise are their essential gifts. Balance is also their proverbial ‘Achilles heel’. For Libran health, we must attend to balance in all things: diet; work/play; mental vs physical exertion; sleep vs waking. So often, they don’t. Few signs are less concerned with rigorous health regimens.

Libra natives are so often champions of truth and justice. Heroic social justice workers, and vociferous truth tellers, are often natives of sign, case examples being Eleanor Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, John Lennon, and the venerable Mahatma Gandhi. However, tradition holds that this sign is prone to deceit, especially in marriage. Strangely, the two most compulsive marital liars I ever knew, were both native of this sign. Curious about this phenomenon, I inquired of my Libra friend Ray, just why this might be so. He happily offered that Libra strives for balance in all things, and thus “half way between the truth, and what you want to hear, is a lie”. Touché! On balance, I’ve known several Libra natives who were obsessed with truth and honesty. “Truth”, as both a concept, and reality, seems to be a Libra issue, either way. This must be understood in a health context because a Libra can become tensely overwrought over issues of familial, spousal or social truth.


In discussing astrological gender, we are adhering to traditional designations because the train of discussion necessitates this. As seen in our Aries lesson, I refer to “male” and “female” signs as more pertaining to electrical and magnetic current.

In the matter of electric-magnetic exchange, Libra holds a unique position among all signs excepting Scorpio. In Libra, we find Venus, a quintessentially “female” planet, governing a traditionally “male” sign*. There is no other sign with this specific honor. Conversely for Scorpio, a traditionally “male” planet, Mars, rules a magnetic “female” sign. However, this anomaly is not as strong as for Venus in Libra because Mars holds a traditional rulership of for the feminine Water Triplicity too. Venus has no such honor within the Air Triplicity. There must be something unique in how Libra influences gender, electric-magnetic charges, marriage and conception!

*Some argue that Saturn is given by some to female gender, and rules Air sign Aquarius, a male sign. Not all agree with the former. Neither is Saturn a quintessentially female or male planet. if anything, asexuality is under Saturn’s beams.

Situated perfectly half way though the zodiac, Libra symbolizes the the midway point between the genders, and also the meeting point of the genders (marriage). (To reiterate, Libra also symbolizes the mid-point between age-youth, mind-body, two halves of the year, and day-night).

It is obvious that Libra’s scale glyph resembles our “=“ sign. Libra represent where positive and negative charges first meet. At Libra, the electrical and magnetic forces either join, cancel or neutralize. Three choices! If the marriage is successful (Libra governs marriage), these opposite charges move to consummation at Scorpio!

In Libra, the sexes meet, combine, or reject. Traditional astrology states that Libra, and its natural house (the seventh house) govern two distinctly polarized concepts: “partners, contracts, marriages - and - competitors, open enemies, conflict”.

Libra, especially near the 15th degree, is associated with homosexuality, bisexuality androgyny, and gender dysphoria. Birth in Libra doesn’t imply that you are gender neutral, androgynous, non-binary, or transexual, etc. The majority of you will probably follow the normal population statistics. However, if you are on this spectrum, look for a strong Air sign component (Gemini , Libra, and Aquarius). These three signs represent androgyny as a concept, and sometimes too, an experience. As an aside, I knew on fashionably inventive Libra woman (with a Gemini moon), who wore frilly, feminine clothes waist up, and classic male attire (i.e. striped men’s pants and combat boots) waist down! Balance.

The consciousness of gender equality is under the auspices of the Air Triplicity, far more than for any other elemental triplicity. This is so, because Air signs (most especially Aquarius) represent a consciousness of the mind and eternal spirit first, wherein gender, age, and other social labels are not high on the value list.

Over the decades, I’ve noticed two Libra styles of mating behavior. The many Libra people I’ve known are either devoted to their spouse, around whose affairs their own life revolves, or conversely, compulsively or serially partnering.

Libra Super Powers

As a rule, Libra dislikes stress and avoids it. They would rather attend their minds to entertaining pursuits. You rarely see Libra brewing over politics or revengefully stewing over past wrongs, as do some other signs. Instead, find them bird watching, or snuggled up with a partner watching a sitcom. Neither are they particularly concerned with health. I always say that Libra would be one of healthiest signs if it cared to be. This curious lack of adrenal response lowers stress, and allow thought to intervene action. Diplomacy, wisdom and charm are Libra’s superpowers. My favorite quote of Libra native Eleanor Roosevelt is: “To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.” This exact approach lowers health disturbing stress that might otherwise be due to social conflict and poor social skills. Librans are popular with everyone, so good at pleasing others while still getting their own way.

Wisdom. The gift of the pause point in the pendulum’s swing. Libra is the great observer of the zodiac, most objective of all signs, save perhaps fellow air sign Aquarius.

Poise. “Not sweating the small stuff”. Well, sometimes.

Natural good health. Libra so often has excellent natural health, beauty, and grace. All too often, over decades, they squander their health through excess sugar, wine and romance. (Results show after fifty, and hit like a sack of beans).

Libra Syndrome is a set of collaborative symptoms, consistently appearing together, which are typical for natives of this sign. Zodiac sign syndromes can occur in seriatim, first one symptom, then weeks, months or years later, another. However, two or more of these symptoms are frequently observed clustered together at the same time.


A full picture of Libra is obtained by considering the conflation of deficiencies of the Body Zones and functions of the zodiac signs positioned on the seasonal wheel opposite to Libra (in this case Aries is positioned opposite at (180˚); quincunx (150˚, Pisces; 210˚ Taurus; and 330˚, Virgo).

The above statement constitutes an epiphany for medical astrology. Remediating and supporting these body zones and functions act to bring the body into balance, diminishing the syndrome. A second, equally important contribution is through the sign itself - its Body Zone and functions. For Libra, this is Body Zone 7. See above list under “Libra, Zone 7”).

These body parts and functions of Libra will occur either in strength, excess, deficiency or disturbance (versus solely occurring as a deficiency as seen for the opposite and quincunxing signs.). It is my belief that this is because the “vibrational nutrients” of the opposing and quincunxing signs are positioned at angles difficult for Libra to absorb. This might occur through means of a deficiency of color vibration, photons, or other little-known energies occurring on the seasonal circle.

Do all Libra natives suffer Libra Syndrome? No. However, several items of this symptom set often, but not always, evinces itself when the Sun, or Ascendant ‘native’ displays certain astrological conditions related to this sign, as listed below. One can see observe various of these symptoms for Saturn, Jupiter, the North Node, South Node, Mercury, Libra or Mars in Libra too, especially when natally conjunct each other or the Sun, or in the Ascendant! Some items of this symptom set can definitely occur also for the Libra Moon, Saturn, Mars, or Mercury native, so sensitive in this sign are any planets to the hard aspects and quincunx of Mercury, Mars, Saturn or really any planet! Libra, being the quintessential sign of health and nutrition.

THE WEAKER ANGLES (SIGNS) FOR THE Libra VITAL FORCE Libra natives may have trouble absorbing the vibrational and light “nutrients” of these signs. The full chart given in the author’s book Astrology & Your Vital Force.

Opposite Sign Aries: When the Sun is in Libra, the opposite sign, Aries, “sleeps”. Aries rules Body Zone 1: the head, upper and frontal brain, eyes, adrenal gland, motor nerves of brain, some cranial nerves.

Dr. Davidson said that headaches (Aries) are so frequently caused by Saturn in Libra, due to an accrual of gravel in the tiny kidney tubules.

Quincunx signs: The signs positioned 150˚, 210˚ and 300˚ distant from Libra on the seasonal wheel are “quincunx”. This condition makes it difficult for Libra to absorb the cosmic “rays” that feed these signs. These signs are Pisces, Taurus, and Virgo.

Virgo Body, Zone 6: pancreas, liver, spleen, small intestines, ascending colon

Pisces: Body Zone 12: feet, fluidic matrix, feet, lymphatic system; fascia? (Hill) One would reason that an inefficient lymphatic system would contribute to kidney filtration overload, or the reverse - does the lymphatic system take up the slack of sluggish kidney filtration? Both signs process fluids, but for different reasons. The Pisces-Virgo axis cleans the extracellular fluid of the matrix; while Libra filters the arterial blood stream.

Taurus: Body Zone 2: mouth, tongue, throat, thyroid, neck, ears, lower, back brain, trapezius. Libra is prone to sugar and wine addiction. Taurus obviously influences balance and poise, ruling the region both balance-controlling organs - the brain’s cerebellum, and semicircular canals of the ear. The thyroid, while not exclusively under Taurus, is certainly housed in this sign’s body zone. It would be interesting to discover if natives of either Libra, or Libra ascendant suffer a heightened tendency toward thyroid complaints.

Squaring signs: The two Signs positioned 90˚ from Libra “square” this sign, creating friction (good or bad). Capricorn and Cancer.

The Libra-Capricorn

Calcitonin, a thyroid produced hormone, decreases the renal tubular reabsorption of sodium, phosphate and calcium. “Renal receptors for calcitonin have been demonstrated in the membranes of rat tubular cells using 125I salmon calcitonin as a tracer”.

The Libra-Cancer square puzzles me. The water sign Cancer governs in part, the thoracic duct, lactation, breasts, stomach, mucus membranes, and interstitial fluids. Cancer is Moon-ruled. The Moon plays a role in Libra and Venus ruled female hormone production. One often notes excessive breast tissue growth in female Librans. I have noticed that Cancer natives with Libra Moons are extremely moody. The moods swing up and down, depending on the weather, time of day, menstrual cycle, etc. Cancer is prone to water bloating, especially at menses.

The Libra-Cancer square reflects the water volume adjusting powers of Libra. As one of our three water signs, Cancer’s ruler, the Moon, together, govern all daily and monthly tidal rhythms. Libra attempts to balance these out. Water volume rises and falls, and Libra must weigh, and adjust this volume! Water, moods… in astrology, these are related.

The Pituitary: Cancer, Capricorn (Cornell, Nauman, Davidson, Hill) and Jupiter (Cayce, verified by Hill) govern the Pituitary gland. Interestingly, Capricorn and Cancer both sit in hard 90 degree angles, or “squares” to Libra, the scales. What is Libra’s pituitary hormone balancing role?


  1. afflicted planets in the Body Zones governed by the signs opposite and quincunx on the seasonal wheel (Virgo, Aries, Pisces, Taurus).

  2. any natal planet, light or lunar node in Libra, compounded by any of the testimonies below.

  3. Sun, Moon or Venus in Libra, afflicted by Mars or Saturn; or closely conjunct either lunar node.

  4. Libra inhabits the 1st , 6th , 8th , or 12th houses of the natal chart.

  5. Saturn in hard angle to Venus

  6. any planet, oppose or conjoin the the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury in Libra or conjunct either Node.

  7. natal Venus its detriment or fall (Aries, Taurus, Virgo), especially if situated in the 1st, 6th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses (though any house will do, if seriously afflicted by the malefics).

  8. Malefics afflicting natal Venus (especially Saturn). See above (7)

  9. Saturn in 7th or 8th houses

  10. Mars in cardinal signs, especially when conjunct the South Node

  11. Saturn in Libra

  12. Saturn in cardinal signs

  13. Venus conjunct, trine or square Jupiter or Neptune (with Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Libra.


(As observed to date. More symptoms may be added later.) Please note that I am not discussing “Libra people” per se, but those born with prominencies in this sign that actually do suffer the syndrome. That being said, Libra natives are uniquely prone to many of these complaints.

Please be sure to balance with “Libra’s Super Powers”. As with any sign, there are just as many positives!

Should a great many of these symptoms present, remedies are determined from the remedials and activities of our relaxing and sleep inducing planets: Moon, Neptune and Venus.

Libra Syndrome List

  • sugar addiction

  • alcoholism (wine preferred)

  • enuresis

  • polyuria

  • acne due to poor kidney filtration (or conversely, beautiful, velvety skin)

  • hyponatremia. (low sodium and water in the blood stream)

  • ovarian problems

  • bloating and water retention (square Cancer, quincunx Pisces and Scorpio)

  • copper-iron imbalance

  • alkaline-acid imbalance

  • salt-potassium imbalance

  • diabetes

  • hypoglycemia

  • chronic indecision

  • disinclination to hard labor

  • compulsive argument (providing the opposite argument or point of view to any statement or opinion regardless of one’s true opinion)

  • entertainment addiction (need for visual stimulation, excitement)

  • pornography addiction

  • sex and love addiction

  • low motivation (will not display with strong fire component in chart)

  • gender dysphoria (this is not a “health problem”. As an associated experience to all air signs, is included for interest).

  • excessive breast growth (often seen with narrow hips or small buttocks!)

  • Two body types in one body (fat above, skinny below; or, large breasts, narrow hips, etc. Poor lymphatic filtration

  • Poor lymphatic filtration

  • poorly filtered blood - resulting in all manner of blood chemistry imbalances, and acid-alkaline imbalance

  • pancreatic weakness

  • weak feet, or foot issues

  • thyroid imbalance

  • osteoporosis (may relate to low production of the kidney produced hormone erythropoietin

  • kidney stones, gravel (especially with Saturn, or North Node in Libra)

  • ureter issues or blockages

  • kidney malfunction or failure

  • bladder apex issues

  • vertigo, and sensitivity to spinning

  • edema

  • sedentary lifestyle

  • mental imbalances, often due to hormone imbalances

  • baldness


Exhaustive detail with illustrations provided in this author’s The Astrological Body Types.

HERBS AND Libra SYNDROME (incomplete section)

See Matthew’s chapter of his forthcoming book on this topic (as well as Judith’s), available to students of the Astrological Medicine Sun Signs course with Judith Hill and Herbalist Matthew Wood.

Golden Rod (a favorite warming kidney herb)

Parsley (specific for enuresis). Dorothy Hall warns against use in kidney stone

Osmunda (Royal Fern: specific for lower back pain: Wood)

Alfalfa, excessive acidity (Hall)

Nettles (iron rich, blood cleansing)

Nettle Seed (specific for kidney disease)

Celery Seed (helps process uric acid)

Black Cherry Juice (Edgar Cayce specific for the kidneys)

Colinsonia (Stoneroot), Gravel Root (for Saturn or North Node in Libra)

Poke Root (Dorothy Hall’s pick for the hormonally imbalanced Libran). A “handle with care” herb.

Dandelion Leaf (good, mineralizing diuretic, cooling)

Watermelon Seeds (very strong, cold, diuretic) Good only for hot “Libra” conditions

Black Walnut (considered a specific for relief in some edema cases)

Corn Silk, Marshmallow (excellent urinary demulcents)

Sarsaparilla (hormonal balancer and alterative)

Saw Palmetto, Fenugreek, Borage (all possible hair thickening herbs, not necessarily together)

This document is a preview of the work by Judith Hill and her class with Herbalist Matthew Wood “Medical Astrology Sun Signs”.

Quote of the Month

Who does not love a tranquil heart, a sweet tempered, balanced life?
— James Allen, "As a Man Thinketh"

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